Dishonour Brand: BMX influenced apparel & denim from Adelaide, South Australia

Sydney to Adelaide Roadtrip Edit (6/7)

This edit has been waiting to see the light of day for a few months now, the deal was that I didn’t want to release it before the roadtrip article ran in 2020… what would be the point in running an article in a mag if you release an edit months before, yaddamean?

Anyway, bit of background if you’re interested. In March, we went on a whirlwind 5 day roadtrip from Sydney to Adelaide. The crew that came along were Tom Blanch, Chris Barnes, Will Gunn, Sam Illman, Mikey McMah, Mozzy, Brock Olive, Jadan Roxburgh, Jake Shepherd, Tenna and Brad Wright… we’re rolling pretty deep these days, so it was rad to get almost all the homies on a bus! Jason Cousins from Roadtripz was steering the wheel, Dre Regli was clocking clips and I was shooting some photos.

No more words, here it is:

Best trip ever! Super stoked for the 2012 trip already.

Oh and go out and pick up a copy of 2020, there’s a little story of the trip along with a bunch of photos I shot.

Posted by James in Uncategorized

2 Responses to “Sydney to Adelaide Roadtrip Edit”

  1. Tom Doyle

    Great stuff boys, great choice of music too!!

  2. Tom Doyle

    Great stuff boys, great choice of music too!!

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