Dishonour Brand: BMX influenced apparel & denim from Adelaide, South Australia

Vintage Tenna (14/3)

I was lurking Vimeo for a bit and stumbled across these edits of Tenna.

This first one is from like 2 years ago. On our trip we paid a visit to Albury/Wodonga and sussed out the first rail… that massive double kinker. Let me tell you, it doesn’t do the rail justice. I think Tenna put a $500 bounty on it… safe to say nobody wanted to take a shot at it. To illustrate the point further, someone mentioned that Mick B had a suss and walked away from it.

This second one is a bit newer. If you’re not into mail nudity, skip out at the part where Tenna grabs a beer outta the fridge. If you’re into it, well then you’d be stoked wouldn’t ya.

Andre is a creep. OI ANDRE!

Posted by James in Crew, Edits

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